Personal Information
BMI Results for Adults Over 35:
19-26.9 Recommended
27-29.9 Overweight
30-39.9 Obese
40 (+) Morbidly Obese
Medical Status:
General Health
Medical & Social History: Please check the following that apply to you.
Family History: List Important Diseases
Do you feel more fatigued and/or tired than usual?
Have you noticed a decrease in your muscle mass?
Have you experienced a loss in muscle strength?
Have you experienced an increase in joint and/or muscle pains?
Have you noticed an increase in your waist size?
Do you have trouble losing weight?
Have you experienced a loss in height?
Do you have a decrease in your sex drive?
Have you experienced difficulty in establishing and/or maintaining
full erections?
Have you experienced changes in your usual sleep pattern?
Do you feel a decrease in your mental sharpness?
Have you had trouble concentrating?
Do you experience less enjoyment in personal interests and hobbies?